
These are a few of the projects, along with my certification, that i've worked on during my time at the STEAM center.
They are mainly a mix of Programming, along with CyberSecurity.

This image was the time I created my own website on replit around Mario & Luigi RPG's, using html and CSS to make it.

1. This was mt fisrt project during my time at the STEAM Center. This project was based off of our Web Design Unit,
where we learned how to code in Python, and HTML. We also learned how HTML is the coding language,
along with CSS, to make these websites, including the one you're currently reading.

this image was the time I made a text-based adventure game using python.

2. This was the second project during my time at the STEAM Center. This was during our Programing Unit,
where we went over coding with Python and other coding languages like Ruby, C#, Javascript, and more.

This image is my networking project, as we had to create a LAN/WLAN network, based off of the devices in our homes.

3. This was my third project during my time at the STEAM Center. This project was bsed off of our Networking Unit,
where went over the different types of networks such as PAN, MAN, WAN, WLAN, and CAN.

This project represent the use of physical and digital security, based off of a TV Company Floorplan.

4. This was the fourth project during my time at the STEAM Center. This was during our Security Unit,
where we went over Physical and Digital Security.

This shows my proof of being HTML and CSS certified.

5. This certification from certiport shows my proof of being HTML and CSS certified.

This project was when I created a Cookie Clicker type game with my own sprites.

6. This was the project I did towards the end of the year at the STEAM Center.
This was during our Javascript Unit, where we learned how to use
variables, functions, timers, and other forms of code, similar to Python.

7. The Forested Bartering Company was a pretend company that me and two
other colleagues made. This was created with a mix of Web Development,
Front-End Development
and a huge help from Boothstrap,and was presented
during the STEAM Center showcase.

8. This last project was something I made over the summmer, during my
internship at WorkED. This particular slideshow was focused around
creating a compaign around Phishing awarness.